

Frequently updated urban mapping for sustainable and efficient planning

With more than a quarter of the European Union territory directly covered by urban land use, the management of urban areas is a key component of any sustainable development policy.

Copernicus can support local and regional authorities by information on land use and land cover classification, urban growth, urban green areas, imperviousness, etc.

EvoLand is working to improve the monitoring frame rate of urban dynamics by incorporating novel automation methods and to upgrade the existing Imperviousness products by applying continuous monitoring techniques.

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Discover prototype services to support urban mapping & planning

C8 – Continuous imperviousness monitoring

C8 – Continuous imperviousness monitoring


Constant monitoring of artificially sealed areas including the level of sealing of the soil per area unit.

C9 – Automated land use mapping of urban dynamics

C9 – Automated land use mapping of urban dynamics


Combining Artificial Intelligence (AI) with multisource Earth Observation (EO) data to develop automatically generated Land Use Land Cover maps.


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